Mentoring in the design profession
Jessica Watson Jessica Watson

Mentoring in the design profession

Have you ever felt stuck on how to progress your career? Mentoring is a way to gain invaluable industry insight, ask questions, and develop your creative identity. Most importantly, it can build a supportive network of people all rooting for your success.

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Co-Designing for a Better Design Practice
Jessica Watson Jessica Watson

Co-Designing for a Better Design Practice

Listen to this conversation around the critical nature of co-design in the creation of better places. How does using a narrative structure help to define clear user journeys in public places and encourage transdisciplinary practices? Can it provide a catalyst for participatory programs and engender genuine diversity and inclusion?

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How to design for memory-making experiences
Jessica Watson Jessica Watson

How to design for memory-making experiences

The design of memory-making experiences is often undervalued in our everyday places and cities. But as narrative environment theorist Tricia Austin says, spaces speak and spaces narrate. So how might we apply this formula to create more memorable and meaningful places and experiences in our city?

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